Our Story.

EST. 2016

The history on our beautiful venue dates back to the late 1800’s when it was first built. The farmhouse, which houses our full bridal suite, grooms’ den, kitchenette and a few other unique spaces fit for guests, was built in the late 1800’s and has withstood some of the most (challenging) of times. The barn, which was built in 1909 and is now our primary event space complete with a full bar, kitchen, modern restrooms and an inviting patio for entertaining, is original to the farm and once housed many horses and other farm necessities.

In 1986, our family purchased the farm – one of John and Deb’s first big purchases as newlyweds. At the time, it was pure luck that the barn and farmhouse happened to come with the purchase of the farm. Little did we know the life that these two pieces would breathe into us over the years and the plans this farm had for us over time.

The barn and farmhouse have come a long way. From windstorms leaving large holes in the siding to vandalism – many, many hours have been spent restoring our favorite little farmhouse to its original beauty.

1800’s Historic Farm Turned 21st Century Event Space.

In 2015, our daughter, Nicki, decided she wanted to have her wedding at the farm. And that’s where it all truly began.

We set out to utilize the farm as our own wedding event venue in 2015 and have been blessed with the opportunity to turn our authentic, 115-year-old barn into a breathtaking and timeless event space to share with all our guests.

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